Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Humble Introduction

To be truthful, I'm actually not left-handed, and I guess 'technically' I'm not necessarily even an author, at least not yet. What I am, is an aspiring writer currently at work on my first novel, hopefully, my first of many. I've created this blog to chronicle my experience through the writing process as well as the attempted publication and marketing of my first book. I'm looking forward to the journey and I'm glad to have you come along for the ride. What's a road trip without friends eh?

My intentions are to update with a new post at least once a week tackling all types of different writing related subjects such as character development, setting, pacing, writing techniques, the creative process, inspiration, some of my own practice writing and whatever else I think may be helpful. Writing a book ain't easy and neither is managing a blog, but together I'm pretty sure we can get through this.
Welp, that's all I got today.

Till next time.

Sincerely yours,


1 comment:

  1. For where you're treasure is, there your heart is also. You are an author, my friend. Keep at it.

    Mark C.

